31 August, 2011


I don't get Vegemite.  It is kind of like bitter butter.... or maybe spicy peanut butter.  No, that's not right either.

Whatever it is though, it is NOT cheese.  These are packs of crackers (err... crisps?) that you can spread with Vegemite.  No, we didn't buy them.


  1. Yuk it looks like tar on the end of the cracker.

  2. LOL, you don't have to be Australian to 'get it' either! Cheesybite is a vegemite and cream cheese blend. I think you could best describe vegemite as a beef stock paste??? I've never been a big fan of it, but do sometimes get a craving for it thinnly scrapped on thickly buttered toast. Years ago it DID come as cheese!?!?! was a dismal failure though and wasn't on the shelves long :) http://youtu.be/l1-R0vOO7mM and i bet if you ask any born and bred Aussie over the age of 20 they could sing you the vegemite song ;D

    PS hope you are all feeling better also :)
