Lots of little developments for us this week. Our visa application has been delayed by a few things. Turns out that we must use the new employer's migration officer. No big deal, we just had to email a bunch of paperwork over but that has delayed things significantly. We also found out that we do indeed NEED to have medical exams. This includes a chest x-ray for the adults and Madeline, and physical exams for all the kids. The kids and I have our appointment tomorrow morning. Michael is scheduled for Monday morning. He is in New Jersey for work this week. We had to go and get passport pictures again to accompany the medical reports. Ugh. More money. I am bringing the checkbook tomorrow too, as I'm pretty sure our insurance won't be paying for our examines. I don't believe the doc is an 'in-network' physician but he is authorized by the Aussie government so that makes him pretty special to us. I'm still hopeful that insurance might pay for some part though. Perhaps we'll have the Luck of the Irish with us still tomorrow. The kids and I cooked up an apple crisp as a gift to his staff. They don't usually work on Fridays and are coming in just for us. How great is that? Once we get the medicals done, our visa application should be ready to be 'lodged'. That expression was new to me. I suppose you lodge a complaint so you can most likely lodge an application. But when I see the word lodge, I naturally think of a beaver lodge not a paper shuffle. Silly me.
I'm busy getting moving quotes. I had a company representative out to the house today. He thinks a 20 foot container is going to be tight. He suggested that we hire a dumpster to help with the sorting/organizing. I priced that out, a 20 cubic yard dumpster is $425. I find it pretty ironic that I'm going to be renting a throw away dumpster about the same size as our shipping container.
Special thank you to our dear friend Connie who helped us out this week with getting organized. We planned, laughed, and packed some boxes. I'm so grateful for our friends and family who help us in so many ways. What would we do with out all of you?
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